Concurso entre a responsabilidade pelo risco e a culpa do lesado nos acidentes de viação
: análise jurisprudencial

  • Sara Carvalho Serra (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Within the scope of the controversy about the strick liability in the context of road accidents and the conduct of the injured, the jurisprudential contribution varies, being a turning point the decision of Supremo Tribunal de Justiça of 04.10.2007, by influence of the European Law and Jurisprudence, mainly, by the intention to concede protection to the most vulnerable victims. With the present study, an attempt is made to typify the situations considered by our courts as dissuasive of the application of the established in article 505.º in conjunction with the article 507.º of Código Civil, in its traditional interpretation.
Date of Award3 Jul 2024
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJosé Carlos Barros Brandão Proença (Supervisor)


  • Strick liability
  • Contributory negligence and comparative negligence
  • Victim's fault


  • Mestrado em Direito

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