Conselho Geral
: a participação no governo das escolas públicas

  • Pedro Nuno Macedo Leite da Silva (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Motivated by the experience as chairman of the School Council of a secondary school, the author develops an empirical reflection on the functioning of this young council for strategic governance of the school organization. The author promotes the analysis based on various perspectives of study for which summons images of organizational democracy, the political arena and organized anarchy. He perceives the school as a social organization, and questions the practice of teachers as the main professional actor's for the organization, responsible for the activity and purpose of the school and its role in governing the organization. Questions the centrality of the educational policy of the state controller and the mechanisms of participation of the educational actors. Analyzes the operation and statutory powers of the organs of the strategic governance for schools prior to the School Council allowing a historical framework to assess and comprehend some installed methods. It also considers the Municipal Education Council and its competence as an organ for the local educational policy. Analyzes and featuring the participation of different actors in the School Council considering the framework provided by the preceding chapters. Highlights the participation of the municipality as a political force that tends to replace the state controller and parents as representatives of their children, ranging from school education and school addition that replaces the parents in the absence of these in children's education. The author concludes that school, being part of a community, should be open to it. The school and the Community should meet as partners in education. They must build up channels of communication privileged to promote mutual trust and enjoy the empowerment processes, problems and needs within the framework of a Socio perspective, which implies a common build for the best solutions. He reserves to the state a central role in the post regulating process. In a polycentric vision of the way to go, is essential that school leadership and network of partners meet to ensure the construction of solutions and are themselves in selfregulation.
Date of Award2012
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJoaquim Azevedo (Supervisor)


  • School council
  • Participation
  • Educational actors
  • Community


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação

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