Considerações jurídico-penais sobre o homicídio como reação à "tirania doméstica"

  • Ana Rita Pinto Duarte Barbosa (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


When it comes to a victim of domestic violence killing the aggressor in a desperate attempt to put an end to the suffering experienced at his hands, it is questioned whether we are within the scope of the figure of self-defense, and the now murderer should be acquitted for being excluded illegality in the legal order. Even when the current assumption is not met, can we apply the figure of preventive self-defense? Or can we frame the crime in the legal type of privileged homicide since the murderer is in a context of violence and in a state of affection that must be considered in terms of guilt? We intend to clarify in this dissertation when both figures should apply.
Date of Award9 Oct 2023
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorPedro Freitas (Supervisor)


  • Domestic violence
  • Legitimate defense
  • Preventive legitimate defense
  • Privileged homicide


  • Mestrado em Direito

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