Consulta de medicina dentária do sono
: protocolo de atuação clínica

  • Catarina Mendes Fonseca (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Introduction: The Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) is a respiratory disorder related to sleep. Dentists have a privileged role with patients at risk. It is the duty of these professionals to provide information, refer them to other sleep specialists and allow access to treatment. Objective: Establish the clinical protocol for the creation of the Sleep Dental Medicine Consultation at the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the Portuguese Catholic University of Viseu (FMD-UCP).
Materials and Methods: The resultant data from the bibliographic research related to questionnaires and validated scales used for the diagnosis of OSAS and the associated anatomical, pathological and radiographic characteristics, are organized and compiled for the construction of a guide and, later, a clinical decision flowchart. A pilot, clinical, observational, cross-sectional and descriptive study was carried out. The target population are patients from the University Dental Clinic of FMD-UCP. After the informed consent of each participant, the relevant data is observed and collected by completing the Guide for the Sleep Dentistry Consultation and forwarded according to the result of the clinical decision flowchart. The collected data is entered in an Excel Microsoft Office file and studied through descriptive statistical analysis. Results: The pilot study sample consists of 5 patients, aged between 33 and 81 years. All of them are at high risk for OSAS when filling out the Guide, so they were advised to perform respiratory polysomnography, which confirmed the suspected diagnosis for all, thus validating both the guide and the flowchart. Conclusions: The pilot study carried out allowed the validation of both the guide and the flowchart. Both are tools of simple application, which can be used by any Dentist and allow to identify and forward suspicious cases.
Date of Award15 Jul 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorPatrícia Fonseca (Supervisor) & Vanessa Maria Barroso dos Santos Silva (Co-Supervisor)


  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Dentistry
  • Sleep wake disorders
  • Sleep medicine specialty


  • Mestrado em Medicina Dentária

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