Consumer perceived value of sustainably produced wine

  • Irene Beatriz Tiago da Silva Dias (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The world has becoming increasingly competitive, with companies adopting their best and boldest strategies in order to keep up with innovation and globalization. The wine industry is one example of such changes. Consumer behavior is adjusting to new trends, such as health and environmental concerns that affect consumer’s purchases. Sustainability is now a distinguishing element within differentiation strategies that companies are implementing. Thus, the relevance of sustainable products and, therefore, the adoption of sustainable practices within the wine production, is a valuable insight for wine producers to improve and adjust their communication strategies regarding this matter. This research aims at characterising the value that sustainably produced wine has for consumers, including their predisposition for an additional payment regarding sustainable wine. For this purpose, a quantitative researchc was conducted, using an online questionnaire where the data was treated in a statistical program. With a sample of 257 surveyees, the results obtained showed that most of the respondents value and are willing to pay more for a wine that was produced with sustainable practices. This willingness to pay was greater for women and younger age groups.
Date of Award14 Jul 2021
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJorge Julião (Supervisor) & Marcelo Gaspar (Co-Supervisor)


  • Sustainability
  • Sustainable production practices
  • Wine industry
  • Consumer perception
  • Willingness to pay


  • Mestrado em Marketing

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