Contributo da transferência de conhecimento no repatriamento no turnover dos repatriados
: uma meta-análise qualitativa

  • Maria Carolina de Bourbon Coelho Lima Fernandes (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This paper aims to understand how the transfer of knowledge during repatriation contributes to reducing the turnover of the repatriates. The turnover of repatriates is a topic of great concern for organizations, since an international mission is a major investment for a company and when its result is poor and the repatriate chooses to leave, this investment is converted into a loss. The methodological option to answer the research question was the systematic literature review (RSL). It was thus possible to identify and analyze the results of research conducted on this topic over the past 6 years. The RSL involved a sample of 19 articles, selected according to the respective protocol and whose content was examined through the content analysis method. The results suggest the existence of a relationship between knowledge transfer in repatriation and the reduction of turnover of repatriates. By transferring knowledge acquired in the international assignment carried out, repatriates feel valued by the organization, which contributes greatly to their retention in the domestic organization. However, knowledge transfer is a complex process that requires several conditions to occur effectively. In order to ensure that all these conditions are met, organizational support is indispensable, because the returnee, upon his return, deals with many changes and some uncertainties, and having the cooperation of both managers, domestic colleagues and human resources in providing moments and mechanisms for knowledge sharing, the returnee will be more successful in transferring knowledge.
Date of Award14 Dec 2023
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorMarisa Tavares (Supervisor) & Maria Isabel G. G. Castro Guimarães (Co-Supervisor)


  • Repatriates
  • Knowledge transfer
  • Organizational support
  • Qualitative meta-analysis


  • Mestrado em Gestão de Recursos Humanos

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