Contributo pedagógico de reflexão e aplicação prática da noção musical de harmonia nas aulas do 1º e 2º graus de Formação Musical no Ensino Básico da Música

  • David José Costa da Silva (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Inserted in the specific issue of Music Didactic Methods, this study aims to give a pedagogical contribution of reflection and practical application of the notion of musical harmony in school classes, in the first and second degrees of Musical Training in the Primary Music Education. For such, this dissertation aims to assess some principles for teaching content of harmony in the discipline of musical training. For this, Willems, Kodaly, Orff Wuytack, the Schoenberg and Schenker pedagogues are analyzed and their methods applied, as well as the ABRSM manual, investigating the results obtained from students attending CCM in the contents of harmony. Furthermore, it is still assessed the pedagogical benefits of teaching harmony in other curriculum areas. We started with the theoretical assumption that the teaching of musical composition is usually divided into three sectors: harmony, counterpoint and musical forms. And that harmony studies the simultaneous sounds (chords) and their possibilities of chaining, taking into account their architectural values, melodic and rhythmic and their equilibrium relations (Schonberg, 1911). In this study only the given harmony of the age range of the studied pupils will be addressed. Since this is a methodological option that parts of a case study, and with the objective to analyze the phenomenon of their natural environment, according to “Benbasated al. 1987”, a sample was delimited to two classes of the first and second grades of Musical Training of elementary education. Questionnaires were conducted and subsequently carried out, quantitative assessments of the tested variables. As a complement to the quantitative evaluations, their were made assessment sheets of qualitative observation. The conclusions of this empirical study are considered a valuable contribution towards demonstrating the value of the content that link to the daily life of children as well as their creative availability to sing musical excerpts in English, which are more effective and decisive in the process of teaching with quality learning through harmony.
Date of Award24 Feb 2015
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorPedro Miguel Pereira Monteiro (Supervisor)


  • Teaching harmony
  • Musical training basic education, 1st and 2nd grades of basic education
  • CCM


  • Mestrado em Ensino de Música

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