Contributos para a adaptação da entrevista clínica geracional à população portuguesa

  • Joana Maria Afonso Vilela (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This research project aims to contribute to the adaptation and validation of the Interview Clinic Generazionale (ICG) of Cigoli and Tamanza (2009), previously subjected to a process of cultural adaptation to Portuguese by Raguso, Facchin, Molgora and Gonçalves (2010), entitled ‘The Clinical Generational Interview’ (CGI). The CGI is a clinical tool for the evaluation and research of family relationships focused in particular on the concept of Family Generativity. The CGI is composed by different dimensions namely the Axis I - The family of origin, the Axis II - The couple and the Axis III - The generational passage. In this study the CGI was applied to 10 Portuguese couples in order to analyze their measurement properties , in particular the construct validity through the use of convergent validity procedures (Freire & Almeida,2001). To study the convergent validity was used the comparison analysis using the Fisher's exact test and the coefficient of non-parametric Spearman correlation to explore the association/correlation between the axes of the CGI (Axis I - The family of origin, Axis II - The couple and Axis III - The generational passage) with other instruments, such as: the Family Environment Scale (FES) and the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales (FACES IV); the Scale of Assessment of Satisfaction in Areas of Conjugal Life (EASAVIC) and, lastly, the Generativity Loyola Scale (LGS), respectively; since these instruments assess theoretical constructs related to those covered by the CGI (e.g., family cohesion, expressiveness, communication, etc.). The correlation analysis between Axis I (Q1, Q6, Q7), II (Q5,6,8.1 / 8.2), III (Q3.1 / 3.2) of the CGI with the scores of the subscales of FES ( 'Family environment’ and 'Expressive') and of FACES IV ( 'Balanced Cohesion' and 'Flexibility'), EASAVIC ( 'Self', 'Other' and total scores ') and LGS showed, respectively, in the same sense of Fisher's analysis, statistically significant positive relationships, indicating convergent validity for the respective dimensions. To point out that the convergent validity between Axis I (Q1) and the subscales of the FES ('Family environment’') were only founded for the female gender spouses group, as well as the association between the Axis I (Q7) and the subscales of the FES ( 'expressiveness ') and the Axis I (Q6,7) and subscales faces IR (' Balanced cohesion, '' Flexibility ') only was observed for the males spouses group. In short, the present results show that the CGI in its Portuguese version, has good psychometric quality and validity, and points to its usefulness in the assessment of family dynamics to the respective dimensions which were found convergent validity.
Date of Award14 Jul 2016
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorArmanda Gonçalves (Supervisor)


  • Generative
  • Family relations
  • Interview clinical generative


  • Mestrado em Psicologia da Família

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