We are living in a society haunted by the threat of terrorism, including the most important entities in this fight. The States itself, as well as, the European Union had shown weaknesses against this Islamic terrorism, being more present in Europe. The imminent risk situation causes an insecurity feeling in the European population, especially, due the responsible entities not being able to ensure the citizens security. The globalization, mainly, has provided a new way of acting by terrorist groups, rising in our daily routines. Nowadays seems easier to act criminally and cause social instability. The following research paper aims to define strategic lines of action, effective in this fight, which persist in European soil. Thus, the threat will be presented and characterized in first place, from its beginnings to its own establishment. After a conceptualization of the development of Islamic terrorism and its way of acting, the combat measures presented by the European Union will be analysed. Finally, after a detailed analysis, we will end up with some framing strategic lines of possible implementation.
Date of Award | 29 Dec 2016 |
Original language | Portuguese |
Awarding Institution | - Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Supervisor | Nuno Gonçalo Vieira Matias (Supervisor) |
- Mestrado em Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais
Contributos para uma estratégia europeia no combate ao terrorismo transnacional
Herculano, M. R. D. A. D. S. (Student). 29 Dec 2016
Student thesis: Master's Thesis