The current condition of older people in Angola is “degrading”, said sociologist andresearcher Marcelino Pintinho (personal communication), for whom aging in Angolamostly happens in a precarious and degrading way, in part due to the lack of definition ofclear and effective social policies in favor of older people. Ignored and marginalized bysociety and the State, the Angolan elderly have a future determined by the lack ofconditions, with policies and strategies that do not guarantee quality of life; on thecontrary, they precipitate the inevitable. In Luanda, older people with dementia remain athome, living in most cases without any support, dependent on their family or third parties.Thus, the need arises to create a home support service in Luanda, namely to supportelderly people suffering from dementia. The objective of this project is, therefore, thecreation of a Home Support Service for older people with dementia residing in Luanda,with the general objective of providing them with quality of life.
Date of Award | 20 Jan 2022 |
Original language | Portuguese |
Awarding Institution | - Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Supervisor | António Manuel Fonseca (Supervisor) |
- Aging
- Quality of life
- Older people
- Home support service
- Mestrado em Gerontologia Social Aplicada
Criação de um serviço de apoio ao domicílio para idosos com demência na cidade de Luanda, Angola
Fernandes, C. M. C. S. (Student). 20 Jan 2022
Student thesis: Master's Thesis