Cuidado especializado na humanização de cuidados à pessoa em situação crítica

Translated title of the thesis: In the humanization of care for person in critical situation
  • Lília Cristiana da Silva Carvalho (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The present report was developed through a descriptive critically reflexive methodology and aims to present the pathway completed, through the activities developed in two internship contexts, over the curricular unit named Final Internship and Report, which is part of the Curricular Plan of the 15tth Master course in Nursing with a specialization in Medical-Surgical Nursing. The first internship was done in the emergency service while the second was carried out in a multi-purpose intensive care unit, both in hospitals in the northern region of the country and both allowed the development of knowledge in the specialty of medical-surgical nursing. The report was structured by the chronological order of the events, it starts by making a brief reference to the first internship of this master, highlighting the main learnings acquired. Then, the following subchapters were structured according to the core competencies of the specialist nurse, defined by the Order of Nurses, in which the competencies acquired during the final internship were identified. The report describes the activities developed to acquire competencies, always based on the humanization of care. Excellence in care was the guiding principle of this journey, so, throughout this report, the interventions that contributed most to the improvement of care were highlighted. The proposal for a protocol for the identification of allergies in the emergency department, carried out within the scope of patient safety, as well as the literature review on nursing interventions to reduce the incidence of delirium in critically ill patients hospitalized in the ICU, are highlighted for their contribution to improve the services and the learning. Throughout the report, were described the interventions carried out in areas such as the humanization of care, promotion of well-being and comfort, integration of the family in health care, care management, safety of the person in a critical situation, communication and prevention of complications, evidencing and justifying the importance of the specialized nurse in medical-surgical nursing in providing care to people in critical situations. The development of this report allowed a new reflection on the journey developed throughout this master, valuing the need to support nursing action on current and pertinent evidence. The described learnings contributed to my evolving as a professional, through a specialized and safe practice, aware of the constant need to go along the practice of care and research, taking into consideration that quality of care is inseparable from the evidence.
Date of Award30 May 2023
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorSílvia Patrícia Fernandes Coelho (Supervisor)


  • Specialist nurse
  • Medical-surgical nursing
  • Person in critical situation
  • Quality of care


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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