Cuidados especializados
: da conceção à prática

Translated title of the thesis: Specialized care: from conception to practice
  • Rui Alexandre Matos de Araújo Vilaça (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This report is part of the Master's course in Nursing, with Specialization in Surgical Medical Nursing, as a final evaluation document, focusing and reflecting on the knowledge and skills developed in the specific area of specialization. Module I was carried out in the Emergency Department, with the development of competencies in the care of patients and families, in an urgent / emergent situation. The acquisition of skills in the area of prevention and control of infection associated with health care was intensified, with observations of the aspiration procedure of secretions, analysis and subsequent disclosure of results. Suggestions for improvement in this field were achieved through the elaboration of a standard of procedure, emphasizing the aspects that could be altered to obtain better results. Module II was carried out in the Intensive Care Unit, where competences were developed in the provision of specialized care to the critical patient and his / her family, both from the technical and from the communicational and relational point of view. Also in this field the acquisition of competences in the area of infection prevention and control was deepened, by carrying out a work to support the guidelines that are the basis of the program "STOP hospital infection", regarding the prevention of pneumonia associated with intubation. A poster was also produced with the key ideas in this area. Module III was carried out in a Palliative Care Unit and the development of competencies was accomplished by providing specialized care to the person / family in palliative care, based on symptomatic control, communication management and emotional support. In this context, competences regarding symptomatic control were deepened through a poster that was presented at the Congress of Palliative Care. A review article on the barriers to referral of patients with advanced dementia of the Emergency Service for Palliative Care was also developed, and was presented at a Plenary Session at the Research Journeys of the Portuguese Association of Palliative Care and submitted for publication in the journal of the same Association.
Date of Award7 Feb 2018
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorSílvia Coelho (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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