Cuidados especializados centrados na pessoa em situação crítica

Translated title of the thesis: Specialized care on the person in critical condition
  • Bruna Gabriela Lopes Pinto (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Introduction: This internship report is part of the curricular unit "Final Internship and Report" integrated into the curriculum of the 16th Master9s Course in Nursing, specializing in Medical-Surgical Nursing, in the field of Nursing for Individuals in Critical Situations, at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Specialized care focused on individuals in critical situations arises from evidence-based practice, aiming to support decision-making in healthcare with available, valid and relevant evidence. Purpose: The aim is to describe and reflect on the skills developed during the internship contexts in Intensive Care Units and the Instituto Nacional de Emergência Médica, contributing to the construction of knowledge in Nursing. This facilitates personal and professional evolution towards evidence-based specialized care practices. Methodology: It involves a descriptive and critical-reflexive methodology, through direct observation in internship contexts, individual reflection, and literature review. This approach connects theory to clinical practice, always based on the most current scientific evidence. Results: Specialized care for individuals in critical situations was a recurring theme in both internship contexts, supporting the activities undertaken. These moments provided opportunities for knowledge and skill development, recognizing the necessity of specialized care in this complex area to achieve excellence in caregiving. I also found it relevant to conduct two literature reviews for both contexts, enhancing my research skills and facilitating the delivery of an online presentation for the Instituto Nacional de Emergência Médica. This presentation took the form of a training/awareness session accessible to all participants, the supervising nurse, and the tutor nurse. Conclusion: Nursing care focused on individuals in critical situations demands specialized characteristics to address its high complexity. It is the responsibility of the specialized nurse to seek knowledge based on the most current scientific evidence justifying their professional practice and supporting decision-making situations ensuring effectiveness and efficiency in caregiving.
Date of Award20 Jun 2024
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorVasco Silva-Neves (Supervisor)


  • Medical-surgical nursing
  • Person in critical situations
  • Care
  • Specialised care


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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