Cuidados paliativos
: uma visão luso-ibérica

  • Elisabete da Conceição Barradas Dias (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Given the complexities of Medicine’s reality and the fact of working in the Radiotherapy Service I have considered it important to do an apprenticeship in several realities of Palliative Care. The Universitario Virgen Macarena Hospital in Sevile and the Litoral Alentejano, EPE Hospital were asked for permission/collaboration to undertake this apprenticeship. The aim of this study is the critical and reflexive analysis concerning the acquired skills during the clinical training inserted into the Master of Palliative Care. This document is also an evaluation to obtain the Master’s degree on this professional practice. The clinical training took place in two different realities of Palliative Care (PC), throughout one year – from May 2011 to May 2012 – split between several periods of apprenticeship. I accomplished my apprenticeship in the Litoral Alentejano Hospital, in Portugal, combining with my working time in CHBM. In Spain, in the Universitario Virgen Macarena Hospital, I had the possibility to accomplish one single period of apprenticeship, for three consecutive weeks. Along this period I had the possibility to observe and compare the PCs structure in two hospitals of two different countries with distinct cultures. Transversal to my journey into these two realities was the possibility to work several contents, since the PCs philosophy to the structure that supports and shapes it. Prevent and treat undesirable symptoms, reduce the suffering, treat the patient as a whole promoting their dignity and quality of life are essential and overriding tools in PC, which I worked and cemented skills. In both hospitals I was able to provide and develop skills and capabilities as a participating element of the Palliative Care. Despite the specific difficulties and organizational structure of each place, I was able to establish therapeutic attitudes. In HLA I had the opportunity to observe that in spite of the PCs models and guidelines that exist in Portugal there are still obstacles to the implementation of PCs philosophy; on the other hand in the HUVM I had the opportunity to observe that the PCs are implemented as a specialty into the system and it’s considered like that. It was between Portugal and Spain, between HLA and HUVM, that I was able to work my skills as a nurse in Palliative Care. The fusion of the theoretical knowledge with the clinical practice and the reflection on ethics allowed the construction and development of Professional Being in Palliative Care inserted on a dynamic learning process.
Date of Award2014
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorManuel Luís Capelas (Supervisor)


  • Relief of suffering
  • Skills
  • Palliative care
  • Nursing


  • Mestrado em Cuidados Paliativos

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