Cuidar confortando
: relatório de estágio

  • Cristina Paula Ramalho de Sena Martins d’ Oliveira Pegado (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


To describe and analyse the journey of acquisition and development of clinical specialized competences, that are part of the course study planning, are the present report goals which were in the genesis of the Stage Curricular Unity. From these result two stages: Set I – Hospital of São Francisco Xavier General Emergency Service, between 20/04/09 and 20/06/09, where I tried to develop competences in specialized nurse nuclear area considering that the clients health and well-being are influenced by observed nurses actions. Accordingly with Half Range Theory of Katharina Kolcaba, during all clinical practice, I tried to offer Confort Care to the patient and family in different ways and contexts. I think that the nurse is able to support the client and families needs in acute or acute chronic illness through worry and sensibility. Through developing a Helping Relationship I intend to provide education and psychological support giving some contributions in improving health. Set III – Geriatric that was done in Hospital of Santa Cruz Nephrology Service between 28/09/09 and 20/11/09. Here I tried to develop geriatric competences centred in Help Relation area and in the peers clinical practice learning context, centred on the needs of fragile and dependent elderly as a result of chronic illness and its limitations that might be involved. During these two sets it was always present in my thinking my personal and professional peers development. An important strategy in effective behaviour changing and also in skills acquisition is learning in duty and that’s because skills are dynamic and changeable and can be acquired and improved all along active life. In this report I used analytical and descriptive methodology and as a strategy I did bibliography research and organized a portfolio. Supporting all this journey was a non stop reflection about practice clinical care. At the end of this journey I think I grew up in a constant and progressive manner in specialized competences achievement requested in the Specialized Nurse Title.
Date of AwardJan 2011
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorPatrícia Pontífice-Sousa (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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