Culturas organizacionais e liderança nas escolas
: a direcção por valores em estudo de caso

  • Samuel Helena Tumbula (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Since the end of the 20th century the managing model by values has been implemented to create a new organizational order in leadership, especially regarding the relationship between leaders and their collaborators. There is a clear push on leaderships more grass- rooted than either bureaucratic or Tayloristic, more dialoguing rather than threatening authoritative, more focused on shared values by the members of the organisation than in uniform and implacable rules. This leadership model challenges the school of the 21st century interested in autonomy and management through commitment and responsibility. Our research has sought to find out, throughout a case study, how a particular school can develop a managing by values. To achieve that, we followed qualitative methods. We analysed a set of institutional school documents; we interviewed managers, too; moreover, we organized some field journals that enabled us to identify the core of school values, such as ethics, citizenship, universality and solidarity. According to the leaders, our key-source of data, values play a significant role within their management. Therefore, values as tool are always present at any decision-making process in the school. The transmission of values is not an exclusive task of the Directive Staff, but it involves the whole educational community environment. It takes places in classes, gatherings, meetings along with informal ways, too, during coffee-breaks, lunch time, as well as at the playground, meeting hall, recreational and cafeteria areas. More worthwhile than speech, exemplar behaviour turns out to be more decisive in passing on values. Though, the management by values almost doesn’t take place in that public school I studied for several reasons. Because it is linked to the overload of the actual educational law-system in Portugal; in addition, it is tied with the subjectivity of values; finally, for the lack of school autonomy. Besides that, listening, dialogue, collegiality, teamwork and negotiation seem to be procedures and values partners of the organizational and management of a school.
Date of AwardJul 2010
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJorge Adelino Costa (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Educação: Administração e Organização Escolar

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