Da luta desiderável
: interrogação poética do combate na arte e na liturgia

  • Bruno Ricardo Gonçalves Pinto (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Art and the liturgy are similar to Jacob's pugnacious dance with the divine in search of a rumbling aurora that will ensure victory. Combat cannot be alien to faith, nor to that art which aims to express and provide the religious experience of encounter. In light of Jacob's paradigmatic struggle with the angel, this dissertation seeks to develop the multiple expressions of combat in the abundant wealth of art and liturgy. In the first chapter, we delve into the numerous areas of understanding of the proposed concept of combat that are developed and explicitly anchored in Sacred Scripture. In the second chapter, the spiritual meaning of art is presented, exposing it in its various forms and phases as eloquent expressions of combat, even going so far as to liken aesthetic experiences to mystical experiences. The third chapter considers the eucology and everything related to the sacraments, rites, gestures and liturgical symbols; finally proposing ways for a combat liturgy.
Date of Award2 Dec 2024
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJoaquim Félix (Supervisor)


  • Combat
  • Fight
  • Art
  • Liturgy
  • Mystery
  • Jacob
  • Angel


  • Mestrado Integrado em Teologia

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