Da teoria à prática
: relatório de estágio na RSB - Comunicação na Imagem

  • Jorge Duarte Andrade de Melo Ferreira da Silva (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This is the report of the activities and learning obtained during the internship at RSB - Comunicação na Imagem, which provided the author with a comprehensive and multifaceted experience in the field of motion design, where he applied his academic knowledge in the creation of animations and motion graphics for various projects, where he performed functions mainly in video post-production, stand design for exhibitions and creation of 3D animations. This internship was crucial for professional development, allowing the student to acquire and perfect technical and creative skills in the different areas of design and multimedia, consolidating training and preparation for future challenges in the area of visual communication.
Date of Award27 Nov 2024
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJaime Neves (Supervisor)


  • Motion design
  • Video editing
  • Stand design
  • 3D animation
  • Visual communication
  • Post production
  • 3D modeling
  • Visual identity
  • Motion graphic content
  • Audiovisual projects


  • Mestrado em Cinema

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