Dados pessoais como objeto mediato de negócios jurídicos onerosos

  • Maria Benedita Carneiro da Frada Cunha Pinto (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Legal transactions are increasingly celebrated with personal data as the mediate object of the business. Especially when the supply of products, content or services is paid for with personal data (counter-performance). The present dissertation investigates the possible admissibility of this business model, in the light of the Portuguese jurisdiction, because of its object. In particular, it studies the consent as a voluntary limitation of personality rights and legal basis of the contract. Its challenge is to understand whether it makes sense to apply classical Civil Law to the provision of products, content or services in exchange for personal data. Moreover, it seeks to formulate questions and present possible solutions to problems related to the contractual effects of this business model, based on the assumption of its admissibility.
Date of Award30 Nov 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAna Afonso (Supervisor)


  • Personal data
  • Counter-performance
  • Consent
  • Onerous contracts
  • Mediate object


  • Mestrado em Direito

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