Desenvolvimento de um protocolo de tratamento para exemplares entomológicos com contaminação fúngica

  • Maria João Tavares Ferreira (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The present dissertation aims to address the problem of fungal contamination of entomological specimens observed in the Lieutenant-Colonel Navigator António Francisco Soares Pinto de Fernandes Figueira Collection of the Museum of Natural History and Science of the University of Porto, as well as the development of an effective treatment protocol for the elimination of this contamination. A series of crucial topics related to the preservation of entomological specimens in scientific collections, its problems and challenges are addressed, as well as the case study that refers to the collection. It is also discussed the evaluation of the microbiological air quality and the sampling of surfaces and boxes that house these specimens, focusing on room 444 of the Museum of Natural History and Science of the University of Porto (MHNC-UP), as well as the methodologies used and their limitations as well as isolation of microorganisms to understand the nature of microbiological contamination in this environment. The focus of the dissertation lies in the elaboration of a cleaning protocol for entomological specimens. This approach aims to combat fungal contamination that affects entomology collections and the materials that compose them, for which, given their specific and fragile nature, protocols that are satisfactory in terms of toxicity, ease of application and degree of efficacy have not yet been described in the scientific literature. The development of the treatment protocol involved a set of tests involving the application through three different forms of six different products in prototypes of insects with visible fungal contamination. The methodology used in the preparation of these prototypes is detailed, including the choice of model insects and the use of controlled contamination methodologies. The evaluation of the results obtained results in the creation of a treatment protocol that serves two purposes, an application methodology based on the product and the most effective methodology, formaldehyde (37% solution) and immersion and as a protocol for testing the efficacy of other products in future work. The proposed protocol for the treatment of fungal contamination in entomology collections involves the use of formaldehyde, with detailed instructions on how to perform the treatment according to the specific needs of the collection. The importance of using protective equipment and performing the procedure in a controlled environment is emphasized. The proposal for an alternative protocol with the use of less toxic compounds with limitations in terms of efficacy per se but which may be feasible when combined with the application of measures to control environmental parameters is also discussed.
Date of Award18 Mar 2024
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorPatrícia R. Costa (Supervisor), Joana Salgueiro (Co-Supervisor) & José Manuel Grosso-Silva (Co-Supervisor)


  • Entomological collections
  • Fungal contamination
  • Aerobiology
  • Filamentous fungi
  • Cleaning protocol


  • Mestrado em Conservação e Restauro de Bens Culturais

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