Desperdício alimentar como megatendência global na identificação de novos modelos de negócio

  • Margarida Alexandra Alves Carlota Mamede Lagoa (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Food waste is a current and urgent issue, especially in a world facing not only the scourge of hunger and inequality, but also the problem of climate change. In this context, sustainable business models, which aim to combat food waste, become crucial for the construction of a fairer, greener, and more responsible society. The main objective of this research is to identify the main barriers and drivers experienced in the establishment of these business models. It is a mostly qualitative study, descriptive in nature. The main drivers are the small number of companies operating in this market allied to the growing interest and receptivity of consumers, motivated by both environmental and economic reasons. Regarding the challenges, they are mainly related to the numerous logistical difficulties experienced by most businesses, regardless of the stage of the supply chain where they are located. In the future, because of §the repercussions of the current economic situation combined with an increase in environmental and food literacy, it is estimated that there will be a greater adoption of these business models by Portuguese consumers. As a result of this growing demand, we expect the emergence of more and more initiatives focused on the circular economy and the sustainability of the planet, to mitigate this global problem.
Date of Award10 Jul 2023
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJorge Julião (Supervisor) & Marcelo Rudolfo Calvete Gaspar (Co-Supervisor)


  • Food waste
  • Sustainable business models
  • Supply chain
  • Sustainability
  • Agrifood sector


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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