Desperdício alimentar nas escolas portuguesas
: perceção dos alunos

  • Maria Catarina Aranha de Magalhães Barata de Tovar (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


In a context of great concern regarding excess and overproduction worldwide, this dissertation aims to analyze, through a descriptive and qualitative study, the level of awareness of Portuguese students regarding Food Waste. In addition, it seeks to understand which combat measures have already been imposed in schools, in order to assess their effectiveness and consistency. Initially, secondary data was collected, allowing the development of a cohesive literature review, enabling a framework for the theme under study. Later, through interviews with students between 10 and 18 years old, from different schools in Portugal, specific and efficient primary data were collected. From the collected primary and secondary data, it was possible to develop more adequate measures to solve the problem in question. The research carried out, focusing on Portuguese schools, made it possible to conclude that the problem of food waste is serious and with a tendency to increase over the years. In other words, given the current scenario, educational institutions have a key role in the education and training of Portuguese citizens in terms of raising students' awareness about food waste. It was also found that in Portuguese schools there are already several measures implemented and actions developed to combat food waste. However, the analyzed measures show little effective results, demonstrating the need for changes and adaptations at this level. In summary, it is concluded that the issue of Food Waste, despite currently showing tendencies to increase, is a unique opportunity to encourage educational institutions to develop and focus on environmental and human aspects in the training and education of students.
Date of Award17 Jul 2023
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJorge Julião (Supervisor) & Marcelo Rudolfo Calvete Gaspar (Co-Supervisor)


  • Waste reduction
  • Food waste
  • Educational institutions
  • Perception
  • Awareness


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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