Dificuldades de uso das preposições “de” e “em” no ensino secundário de PLE em Macau

  • Lemuel Dale Resurreccion Aglosolos (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This paper aims to elaborate on the difficulties of using the prepositions “de” and “em” in Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PLE) teaching in Macau. Prompted by the linguistic differences between Chinese and Portuguese, this report discusses the use of prepositions in the two languages and illustrates the difficulties of teaching and learning the prepositions “de” and “em”, which are very common in Portuguese and therefore Chinese students necessarily have to learn. The report begins with a theoretical framework, presenting the bibliography that has been most useful in leading the reflection on prepositions. This is followed by a description of the teaching of grammar and the classes taught and the respective material during the Internship at the Luso-Chinese Secondary School of Luís Gonzaga Gomes, with students of Portuguese as a Non-Mother Tongue, of the 8th grade, during the second period of the academic year 2022/2023. It reflects on the difficulties of monitoring prepositions by students in Macau and resources used in the classroom that can combine the Grammar-Translation method with a communicative approach, which gives some relevance to the context in order to facilitate the learning of grammatical words that are prepositions.
Date of Award20 Mar 2024
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorRita Faria (Supervisor)


  • Prepositions
  • Grammar-translation method
  • Communicative approach
  • Portuguese as a non-native language
  • Grammatical competence


  • Mestrado em Português Língua Estrangeira/Língua Segunda

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