The object of this study is debarment from succession approached as a civil sanction that the law imposes on the entitled to inherit that acts in some way against the author of succession, the authors kin or against their freedom to leave a last will and testament. The study of not being a proper person as being ineligible to succeed, in cases adamantly established by law, is used as a jumping point to an analysis of its foundation, its justification, its effects, as well as its pertinence in the current legal-social context. The study seeks to answer if, nowadays, the objectives and function of the office should be seen differently and if the current rules should be changed accordingly, seen as there are situations of flagrant individual and social injustice, that go against the principle of human dignity that appear to remain without sanction. The conclusion is that there is an urgent necessity of legislative alteration in the matter of the debarment from succession office, specifically in the broadening of its causes.
Date of Award | 11 Jul 2022 |
Original language | Portuguese |
Awarding Institution | - Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Supervisor | Rita Xavier (Supervisor) |
- Debarment from succession
- Causes debarment from succession
- Human dignity
Dignidade da pessoa e indignidade sucessória: comportamentos sancionáveis e causas de indignidade
Reis, M. C. M. D. Q. F. (Student). 11 Jul 2022
Student thesis: Master's Thesis