Direito de imagem do praticante desportivo
: a imagem do atleta no contexto dos videojogos

  • David Jose Valente Bastos (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The goal of analysis of the present dissertation is the image right in the scope of the videogames industry. This entertainment industry is not unaware of the growing media coverage of sports players, and there are some conflicts with the artistic creation of virtual characters that, as a result of the growing capacity for three-dimensional creation, increasingly resemble the represented athletes. Firstly, the general regime of image rights is framed in the Portuguese legal system, and how is it possible to operate the transmission of the image right. Then, a brief reference is made to the Spanish and United States legal system. Finally, the relationship between image rights and videogames is explored, especially with regard to sports simulators, with the purpose of analyzing some of the issues emerging from this point of contact.
Date of Award13 Sept 2021
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorNuno Sousa e Silva (Supervisor)


  • Image
  • Right
  • Sport
  • Video games


  • Mestrado em Direito e Gestão

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