Discriminação múltipla
: (em especial em razão da religião e do sexo): algumas pistas de reflexão

  • Maria Gabriela Valente Silva Ferreira (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This work was conceived aiming to explain the phenomenon of multiple discrimination within Anti-Discrimination Law. Focusing, in particular, on discrimination on grounds of religion and sex, we begin with a general overview of the discriminatory phenomenon in the working place, and we consider, then, the problem of multiple discrimination, especially on those grounds. We underline the practical interest of this concept and also the lack of recognition of such by national and international bodies. After that, we analyze several possible solutions, mainly the intersectional theory, which helps us understand the particular shapes of multiple discrimination. We conclude, finally, that a legislative intervention is needed, so the problem may be addressed and a path to the solution may be drown.
Date of Award25 Oct 2023
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorMilena Rouxinol (Supervisor)


  • Labour law
  • Anti-discrimination law
  • Multiple discrimination
  • Discrimination on grounds of religion and sex
  • Intersectional discrimination
  • Intersectional theory


  • Mestrado em Direito

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