E tu? Já cuidaste da nossa casa hoje?
: a contribuição de EMRC no amadurecimento da responsabilidade dos jovens, relativamente aos problemas atuais da criação e atitudes de respeito no cuidado com a casa comum

  • Catarina Alexandra da Fonseca Batista (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The final report presented results from the work done and developed during the Master's Degree in Religious Sciences.Considering the encyclical Laudato Si', Pope Francis reflects on dialogue and conversion as a path to an integral ecology, based on a «culture of care» for all creation. Thus, the report seeks to address some main aspects related to an integral ecology, as well as its insertion in education with the theme «What about you? Have you taken care of our House today?»The work also presents a set of reflections around the understanding of ecology from three perspectives: environmental, anthropological, and theological. Other important sub-themes are addressed in this journey, such as human action and responsibility in caring for our common home, cited in the Encyclical and the need for integral ecology to have a renewed theology of creation as well as an adequate anthropology.Thus, St. Francis of Assisi and Leonardo Boff will be briefly highlighted here, especially because of the connection Boff has with the patron saint, that is, the way he sees in creatures the significance of the Creator and the ecological attitude and image of fraternal relationship with all beings.Throughout this report are also part of several reflections that identify both contributions to UL1 - The Origins, with the subtheme «Creation as an unfinished event!»in the maturing of young people's responsibility, regarding the current problems of creation and attitudes of respect in caring for our common home.
Date of Award5 Jan 2023
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAmérico Pereira (Supervisor) & Juan Ambrosio (Co-Supervisor)


  • Common House
  • Care
  • Creation
  • World
  • Ecology
  • Laudato Si'
  • Environment
  • Humanity
  • Planet Earth
  • EMRC


  • Mestrado em Ciências Religiosas

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