Elaboração de planos de food defense e food fraud numa unidade de engarrafamento de vinhos

  • Brizida Catarina Amorim Castro e Silva (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


With the global population predicted to reach nearly 10 billion by 2050, demand for food is expected to increase by 70%, which will put even more strain on food systems around the world, making food security an even greater challenge than it is today, and giving rise to the appearance of fraudulent and/or adulterated food products. In fact, the integrity and authenticity of the global food supply chain is, today as never before, being challenged by adulteration and fraud, with the fragmentation of supply chains, the involvement of a large number of stakeholders, the crossing of multiple territorial borders, lack of resources and economic motivation, the main challenging factors. Allied to these facts, the WHO identified intentional food contamination as one of the main threats to public health in the 21st century, whose impacts can assume considerable proportions in the health of consumers, society, economy, politics, and national security. The complexity of vast global supply chains makes them vulnerable to intentional contamination, adulteration, and food fraud. Against this background, FAO/WHO identified capacity building in food security emergency preparedness and response planning as a key element in preventing food security emergencies and mitigating their socio-economic and public health impacts. This is the challenge that today, more than ever, is posed to companies in the food sector, not being the wine market, and alcoholic beverages in general, an exception, since it moves mhL in complex supply networks, being part of the top 10 of the most counterfeit products. This report aims to prepare food defense and food fraud plans in a wine bottling facility, capable of avoiding food security crises that, in most cases, represent a harm, real or perceived, immediate, and significant to a company, a brand, consumers, product, community or a country's economy. Firstly, to carry out this project, the various potentially applicable methodologies were analysed, opting for the TACCP and VACCP methodologies, as they are the methodologies recognized by the GFSI and are aligned with the HACCP methodology. Finally, the methodologies were applied to the reality of one of the bottling units of the Company X, presenting in this report all the work developed and the respective conclusions.
Date of Award22 Jul 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorPaula Teixeira (Supervisor)


  • Adulteration
  • Fraud
  • Intentional food contamination
  • Threats
  • Vulnerabilities
  • Food defense Plan
  • Food fraud Plan


  • Mestrado em Biotecnologia e Inovação

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