Encarnação e exegese
: analogia da fé : uma abordagem teológica da Encarnação como τοπός da exegese bíblica

  • Edson Carvalhal Soares (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The object of this investigation – using the analogy of faith – is to bring biblical exegesis closer to the mystery of the Incarnation and to derive from this approach some consequences in the way of conceiving and, above all, in the way of interpreting the Scriptures. We want to constitute the mystery of the Incarnation as the τοπός of biblical exegesis. The main question that runs through this entire investigation is the following: how can the mystery of the Incarnation be the τοπός of biblical exegesis? In order to adequately answer this question, we thought it is best to divide our reflection into three chapters. In the first one, we will deal with how the mystery of the incarnation illuminates the understanding of the mystery of Sacred Scripture, in light of the concept of the divine συνκαταβáσις; in the second, we will show how the ways of interpreting the mystery of Christ are in perfect harmony with the ways of interpreting the Scriptures, and in the third, we will discuss how the conjugation of the two natures in Christ serves as a measure for the conjugation of the human and the divine, the literal and the spiritual sense in the Bible.
Date of Award19 Nov 2021
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJosé Jacinto Farias (Supervisor)


  • Incarnation
  • Biblical exegesis
  • Analogy of faith


  • Mestrado Integrado em Teologia

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