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  • Carla Alexandra Oliveira Taveira (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Achieving excellence in nursing care is presented as an irreversible path, which is the goal of the concern of nurses in the pursuit of scientific knowledge and professional conduct that will maximize all available resources, from this reality comes our motivation to enter an area of Specialization in Medical-Surgical Nursing. This report depicts the reflective journey of learning achieved in Pratical Training, made in the Intensive Care Unit and Emergency Department, inserted into the curriculum of the Masters Degree in Nursing, and professional in nature, which is a response to a requirement under pedagogical Course Report. It consists of an introduction, which presents the objectives, followed by the characterization module stage carried out with the description of activities and skills acquired / developed in the advanced care to the sick and elderly adults with severe disease, demonstrating the critical and reflective analysis related thereto, substantiated with scientific evidence. We conclude by stating that the objectives were achieved, enhancing the importance of the internship and the preparation of this report on skill acquisition. The methodology was descriptive, analytical and reflective based on, the draft internship training, the Portfolios made for the different modules and the use of literature to scientific and theoretical basis. For the Training made in the Intensive Care Unit, we present all the activities, with an emphasis on interventions that have enabled the development of skills in providing care to critically ill adults and family. Seeking to contribute in achieving the excellence of nursing care developed a standard of "Prevention of Corneal ulcer in critically ill patients," and performed a "Guide to Home Visits." In the area of management, prepared a "Plan for Integration of Nurses," promoting the uniformity of the integration processes in the service. During Training performed in the Emergency Department, we had a great amount of learning opportunities. The provision of care to critically ill adults and the relationship with their family and was something that deserved our special attention. The level of training we were able to present a training on "The Nurse and Death," with a view to a reflection on the subject and therefore an improvement of professional practice. Yet in the wake of this purpose, we developed an illustrative poster of the "Nurse's Approach to the patient receiving Pacemaker". Throughout the internship in different departments we demonstrated the capacity in the development of decision making in complex situations, bearing in mind an Advanced Nursing, autonomous, based on the quality standards recommended by the Order, in the design and implementation of patient care. We cannot fail to mention the importance given to reflective activity, through critical thinking and cohesive whole that motivated our personal and professional development as future Nursing Specialists.
Date of AwardMar 2011
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorMaria Rocha (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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