Ensino da tecnologia CAD/CAM nos cursos de medicina dentária da Península Ibérica

  • Marina Escudeiro Marques (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Introduction: In the last three decades there has been a major evolution on digital dentistry, mainly related to CAD-CAM system, particularly used for indirect restorations in Prosthodontics. Objectives: To analyze how CAD-CAM technology is included in the dental education curricula of the dental schools in the Iberian Peninsula, particularly: the level of dental education where it is taught (Dental Medicine Degree, Post-graduations, PhD programs); in which subjects is this theme included; the type of lectures (theoretical, theoretical-practical or clinical); the educational level of the syllabus; the level of use in a clinical setting; and the value that Faculty elements consider on Oral Rehabilitation learning. Methods: A cross-sectional observational epidemiological study was conducted. All the Dental Education Higher Education Institutions of the Iberia Peninsula were contacted. The response rate was 48% (total: 12 institutions). All the data were collected via an online questionnaire, dedicated to the theme of CAD/CAM technology in the different levels of higher education. Results: The vast majority of Professor covers the CAD/CAM technology in the training of future Dentists in the Iberian Peninsula. In the DMD course in Portugal (MIMD), this contents occupies less than 5 hours in the subject syllabus, and in the post-graduation programs, over 15 hours in 43% of the institutions. In the DMD Course (Grado) in Spain half of the target population also address this issues on less than 5 hours and 25% for more than 15 hours. In Post-graduate education in Spain, 43% of the target population address this issue between 10-15 hours and 43% for more than 15 hours. Most of students in the university clinic already have access to CAD/CAM systems, within the Institution. However, in Portugal it is used only in specific situations, while in Spain it is used more routinely in a university clinical practice. As for the materials used in CAD-CAM systems, the most common in Portugal are: lithium disilicate, zirconia and metals; in Spain, although these are also the most common used materials, other materials such as alumina, leucite, feldspathic ceramics and composites are also used for the construction of indirect restorations. All Professors in Portugal claim that their students are not prepared to work with CAD / CAM systems without additional training. In Spain, during the graduation in Dentistry, the majority (75%) consider that their students are not prepared to work with a CAD/CAM system. In a Post-Graduation level, 67% consider to be prepared. Conclusions: CAD-CAM theme is already addressed at all levels of education of Dentistry, both in Portugal and in Spain, but Professors say that students are not prepared to deal with this technology without additional training. Nevertheless, most recognize the importance of it, which shows the need to integrate properly CAD/CAM technology in higher education institutions of Dental Medicine.
Date of Award16 Dec 2016
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAndré Correia (Supervisor) & Filipe Miguel Araújo (Supervisor)


  • Dental
  • Computer-aided design
  • Prosthodontics
  • Dental material
  • Education


  • Mestrado em Medicina Dentária

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