Ensino profissional
: um olhar sobre as motivações e expectativas dos alunos

  • Maria Adília Machado Oliveira Pereira de Brito (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Professional education was officially introduced in Portuguese Public Secondary Schools in 2004, within the scope of the Europeanization of national educational policies. This bet had as main objectives the increase of qualified labor and the diversification of the training offer of double certification. However, a stigma prevails over professional education, tending to associate it with prejudiced ideas such as early school leaving and school failure, contradicting what professional education actually intends to be: a valid path for a profession, capable of training students for active life and even for further studies in higher education. The present study has as research proposal to understand the motivations and expectations of the students of the Pinheiro School Group, when opting for professional education to continue their secondary education studies. It is intended to assess whether the decision to enter vocational education is related to one's vocation, or whether the same decision was associated with other factors, either a social and economic nature, or of the influence of third parties. Regarding the school and professional expectations of young people, it is sought to know their perspectives regarding the future career. The study will focus on the universe of students from the 9th grade and the 10th, 11th and 12th years of the Professional Courses of the Grouping of Schools in Pinheiro, in a total of 175 students to whom questionnaires will be applied. To complement the data collected, an interview was also applied to students attending the 12th year of Vocational Education, to assess the evolution of these students' dispositions through their individual experiences. The results show that there is currently greater understanding and recognition of Professional Courses. The groups of students (EP and EG) surveyed recognize the potential of these courses and, above all, the possibility of accessing a more articulated and sustained life project, which is why Vocational Education has been increasingly chosen as a first option for schooling by an increasing number of young people.
Date of Award25 May 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorCristina Palmeirão (Supervisor)


  • Professional education
  • Motivations
  • Expectations


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Educação

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