Entre conflitos e o amor do Deus-Amor
: a divinização / “amorização” na “Ambígua” de Máximo o Confessor

  • Daniel Joaquim Osório Palma (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This dissertation deals with the theme of divinization in the work “Ambigua” by Maximus the Confessor. To this end, it has been divided into three parts. The first chapter deals with the Christological disputes that preceded and dominated our author's life. In the second chapter, an attempt is made, based on the two main historical sources about the life of Maximus the Confessor, to draw up a biographical sketch of this man of faith who, because he wanted to defend that faith almost against the whole world, died as a Confessor of that same faith. In the third, final and decisive chapter of this work, and after giving a brief presentation of the aforementioned Work, we look at divinization in this same Text, paying attention to the divine-human synergy in part of this process, the divine-only action at the culmination of this process and some of the effects of this process as the Goal and consummation of human life.
Date of Award9 Jan 2024
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAlexandre Freire Duarte (Supervisor)


  • Maximus the Confessor
  • Divinisation
  • “Ambigua”
  • Christological conflicts
  • Love


  • Mestrado Integrado em Teologia

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