Escola Franciscana Hospitaleira
: um estudo exploratório

  • Paula Maria Gonçalves André (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The school, as an institution, conveys the culture that society generates. But it has its own and unique culture, whose visibility ranges between beliefs, embraced values and “artifacts”. In order to know what culture is developed by the Franciscan Hospitaller School in Portugal, it is important to understand this school’s very own identity. A school where hospitality and welcome are expressed by living with others and for others, turning education into “a second birth”, for life and for faith, and where a leadership based on dialogue plays an essential part. In the empirical study we aim to assess, in each college of the Congregation, how actual leaderships are managing the charismatic heritage, which is the reason why these schools exist, and what its implications are, regarding leadership structure and articulation with other schools that share the same identity, values, style and mission. The identity of the Franciscan Hospitaller School is built up and distinguished by caring for others, by the Franciscan Hospitaller School’s specific practices outlined in its educational style and defined by a pedagogy of love, by excelling through the practice of values of simplicity, joy, welcome and hospitality expressed by the proximity to others and by the mission of “acting as mothers, educating” (Father Raimundo Beirão). This study aims to add to the awareness of the Franciscan Hospitaller School’s ideas and to promote each College’s transversal articulation concerning the leadership of the Franciscan Hospitaller’s educational action around identity, educational style and values of this school, since the responsibility of defining and developing a joint educational action belongs to leaders.
Date of Award2014
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJoaquim Machado (Supervisor)


  • School culture
  • Franciscan Hospitaller identity
  • Values
  • Educational style and mission


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Educação

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