Espaço público como elemento de coesão da cidade

  • Ricardo Jorge Oliveira Costa (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Public Spaces are vital elements inside a city, once they have the ability to be associated with private spaces and also to be assumed as stages for community activities. Being so, Public Spaces must be planned in order to encourage their use and create heterogeneity, dynamics and sustainability. The diversity behind dynamics is a significant element of such process, thus making inevitable studying its generators. The project was developed in an area that was considered to be an urban gap inside the city of Viseu, a place that has several social, economic and physical needs. Taking into account the search for a diversified society that can assure equality of rights for all citizens, especially on what concerns to accessibility, the project intents to contribute to the search of more adequate special answers for the intervention area. The present project aims to offer the city a new and appealing space centred on a Square, capable of giving dynamism to the area and its surroundings, and function as an catalyst of economic development. The project also presents suggestions regarding urban requalification, creating new buildings prepared to be turned into houses, public services or shops.
Date of Award16 Dec 2013
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAntónio da Silva Ferreira de Carvalho (Supervisor) & Gonçalo Nuno Pinheiro de Sousa Byrne (Supervisor)


  • Architecture
  • Accessibility
  • Centre
  • Cohesion
  • Diversity
  • Dynamism
  • Public space
  • Element
  • House
  • Heterogeneity


  • Mestrado em Arquitetura

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