Estereótipos negativos sobre a velhice em adultos mais velhos
: relação com a depressão, com variáveis sociodemográficas e com percepção subjetiva de saúde

  • Cátia Manuela Araújo Paredes (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Studies on negative perceptions of aging and its possible association with mental disorderssuch as depression are still scarce. In this sense, the objective of the present study is toexplore the relationships between negative stereotypes about old age, geriatric depression, sociodemographicvariables and the subjective perception of health, in a sample of older adults,aged between 65 and 91 years (X = 73.72 years; SD = 5.85). To achieve this objective, twoinstruments were applied: Questionnaire for the Evaluation of Negative Stereotypes for OldAge (CENVE) and Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15). The results made it possible to identifythat negative stereotypes are more prevalent among individuals living in rural areas andwidowers. In turn, geriatric depression seems to be more prevalent among female individuals,with a low level of education, living in rural areas and with negative perceptions about health.In addition, negative stereotypes have been shown to be positively related to geriatric depression.The results obtained reveal the need to re-educate the population about the real agingprocess, in order to prevent stereotypes that, consequently, may be associated with geriatricdepression. Such results, alert for the pertinence of an investment in the psychoeducation providedto the professionals who work with this population, with the purpose of ending idadistattitudes.
Date of Award28 Jan 2021
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorBerta Rodrigues Maia (Supervisor)


  • Stereotypes
  • Depression
  • Sociodemographic variables
  • Subjective health perception
  • Older adults


  • Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde

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