Estudo piloto
: comparação da avaliação estética facial entre leigos, estudantes e profissionais de medicina dentária

  • Sofia Félix Macedo (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Introduction: Facial aesthetics is an important factor for orthodontic diagnosis. However, it is difficult to define the goal of treatment only based on aesthetic profile, since there is not one only facial profile credited for the entire world population as aesthetically attractive, because each individual has his own concept of beauty, which is related to several factors. This study aims at obtaining specific and updated data, regarding facial attractiveness of Portuguese caucasians individuals. It is intended to assess the impact of mandibular prominence, facial asymmetry, lip profile and lower facial height, determine the threshold where they become clinically significant and aesthetically relevant to different groups, and the impact of these characteristics by gender and history of orthodontic treatment. Methods: We manipulate the photographs of a male and a female, aesthetically considered normal according to current standards, increasing and decreasing the features under study, with the aim of creating an album with randomly organized photos, which was distributed to 30 dentists, 30 dental students of UCP and 30 laypeople. Each one assessed each photograph in a 100 mm visual analog scale. Results: We found that the facial profile by the sample chosen as the most attractive was the straight profile for both genders, with severe mandibular protrusion, severe lip retrusion, severe lower facial height decreased and severe facial asymmetry were considered less attractive to both genders. It was found that the laypeople are less critical that students and dental professionals. It was also found that there was no significant difference in the influence of the history of orthodontic treatment and gender. Conclusions: The facial aesthetics is a factor that interferes with the patient's self-esteem, with implications at various levels, being of great interest to the dentist compare the evaluation criteria of facial attractiveness, in terms the satisfaction of the ideals of orthodontic treatment
Date of Award12 Jul 2013
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorArmindo Alves (Supervisor) & Cláudia Pinto (Co-Supervisor)


  • Facial aesthetics
  • Facial asymmetry
  • Lip profile
  • Lower facial height
  • Mandible prominence


  • Mestrado em Medicina Dentária

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