Exportação indireta e velocidade da internacionalização
: o caso de três PMEs portuguesas na Polónia

  • Mariana Pio Parracho Monteiro (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Although the topic of internationalization is not recent, few studies have been done about the impact that indirect export agents have on the speed of internationalization of companies. The present Master Final Assignment aims at analyzing the internationalization process of three Portuguese SMEs for Poland, whose chosen mode of entry was the indirect export through agent. The transversal agent of the three companies is KG International, a Portuguese consulting firm. With this, it is intended to answer the research question “What is the impact of the indirect export agent on the speed of internationalization of SMEs?”. For this, the methodology used was the multiple case study, which proved to be the most adequate method for the objectives of this study. The purposes of this study are: 1) to understand the relationship between export agents and the speed of internationalization; 2) review the literature and research carried out within these concepts; 3) present empirical evidence based on a curricular internship at Konsulting Group International (KG International); 4) to propose a framework based on the comparison between theory and case studies. The three cases have shown that the indirect export agent has a positive influence on the speed of internationalization of companies, allowing them to grow and become more competitive.
Date of Award13 Nov 2018
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorRicardo Alexandre Morais (Supervisor)


  • Indirect export
  • Speed of internationalization
  • Case study
  • SMEs
  • Poland
  • Portugal


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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