Fatores de risco associados aos desenvolvimento das perturbações no comportamento alimentar em idade de início tardio

  • Marta Albuquerque Távora Magalhães Basto (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Aim: Evaluate the risk factors that distinguish women who develop eating disorders with a late onset age vs. typical onset age. Method: 68 women with a current diagnosis of an eating disorders (APA; DSM-IV-TR, 2002). It was administered the Eating Disorders Examination (Fairburn & Cooper, 2000) for diagnostic confirmation and the Risk Factors Interview (Fairburn & Welsh, 1990) for risk factors assessment. Two groups were formed: the group that initiated the eating disorders with a typical onset age (<18 years) vs. late onset age (≥ 18 years). Results: Four risk factors were associated with the typical onset age group (the history of diets in family, overweight in childhood, the late onset of breast growth and history of drug in the family). Five risk factors were associated with the late onset age group (sisters’ appearance and shape being more attractive, early menarche, the history of drugs in parents and the importance of religion to influence the subject’s behavior). We also found the identification of one precipitating factor in this group, illness in someone significant.
Date of Award14 Jul 2016
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorBárbara César Machado (Supervisor)


  • Eating disorders
  • Risk factors
  • Typical onset age
  • Late onset age


  • Mestrado em Psicologia

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