This report arises within the scope of the master’s degree in medical – surgical nursing in specialization in person in critical situation, with the objective of describing and analyzing in a critical and reflexive way the development and acquisition of common and specific competencies for obtaining the title of specialized nurse, as well as the entire academic and scientific path to obtain a master’s degree. The first chapter will present a scoping review on the stress factors associated to weaning from mechanical ventilation in adult person in the intensive care unit. The main stress factors associated with weaning from mechanical ventilation identified were: presence of orotracheal tube, altered communication, lack of information, nursing team, hygiene care, aspiration of secretions, absence of family members, moment of extubation and change in the ventilatory modality, altered mobility and vision. The second chapter will be presented the places where the development of skills was allowed – emergency service, intensive care unit and emergency medical vehicle and resuscitation. In the third chapter, the reflective process is then verified, as well as the activities carried out, that allowed to achieve the common and specific competencies of the specialized nurse in person in critical situation, through the academic and professional path. I highlight for this chapter the realization of in-service training “Cardiorespiratory arrest and airway approach” as well as a bibliographic support document in the area of “administration of drugs subcutaneously” that allowed me to mobilize previously acquired knowledge and include them in the provision of care with to continuous improvement; participation in the professional training of “Acute kidney injury in intensive care”, in order to develop self knowledge and support clinical practice in scientific evidence. At the end of the course, I believe that I managed to achieve the development of the proposed skills. I was also able to verify that the development of the competencies as a specialized nurse and master, as well as all the experiences lived, had a great impact on the way I look at me, face the profession and face others as people.
Date of Award | 13 Feb 2023 |
Original language | Portuguese |
Awarding Institution | - Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Supervisor | Sérgio Deodato (Supervisor) |
- Ventilator weaning
- Specialized nurse
- Stress factor
- Critical patient
- Intensive care units
Fatores de stresse associados ao desmame ventilatório na pessoa adulta em unidade de cuidados intensivos
Tavares, S. (Student). 13 Feb 2023
Student thesis: Master's Thesis