Formação docente
: relação teoria e prática

  • Luciana Moreira Caldas Muzzi (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Teacher training is a topic that arouses a lot of interest and questions in the academicuniverse, leading professionals in training to reflect on the possible impacts of this levelingbetween theoretical content and practical experiences during the undergraduate period, on thequality of professional life, of which it bets years in search of knowledge and construction ofpractices that lead him to have space in the job market.We know that there are multiple challenges that guide education, with regard to TeacherTraining, and the main objective of this research is to understand the relationship betweentheory and practice in this training process. In this perspective, verify if in the HEI studied,there are institutionalized actions of continuing education for teachers, if there are incentivesfor innovative practices and methodologies, which generate engagement and a level of learningduring the educational process of the Institution's Pedagogy students that positively impact onthe level of safety in relation to the practice of these trainees.For this, we seek to know the perceptions of teachers, students and coordinators of thePedagogy course at Faculdade Laboro to better understand the hypotheses raised in theresearch: Students in the Pedagogy course leave graduation confident in associating theoreticalknowledge with teaching practice; Teacher training and the relationship between theory andpractice include innovative and contextualized methodologies that enrich professional practice.The survey revealed that, institutionally, Faculdade Laboro has been seeking to providequality service to the public in training, as it invests in hiring and continuing education of thesequalified professionals, stimulating the environment for innovative, engaging and attractivepractices, with the objective of providing a teaching-learning process that generates greatersecurity for students in training and within what the National Curriculum Guidelines allocateas hours for practices in the pedagogy course, the HEI encourages quality in the approaches, sothat they can explore to the maximum the practice in the classroom, not getting onlyopportunities in internships.It was also identified that even in the face of all this incentive and movement of the HEI,aiming to meet the needs of students, professors and the professional market itself in which itoperates, there is still room for the development of applicability of institutionalized policies andactions, which lead to a training scenario where students feel more secure in relation toexercising their profession.It was evidenced the need for didactic actions that generate more quality in the trainingprocess of students from the perspective of vision and instrumentalization in relation to the realneeds of a classroom, so that the gap of practical hours, in their perception, is not felt in relationto the quality of training. Despite opportunities for improvement with regard to the quality of classes and methodologies, in generating an environment with more practices, and generating greater confidence in students in training in relation to the current challenges of exercising teaching practice, the HEI has been working to be reference in training professionals in the field of education.
Date of Award21 Jul 2023
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorCarlos Estevão (Supervisor)


  • Teacher training
  • Theory and practice
  • Learning
  • Innovation


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Educação: Administração e Organização Escolar

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