Found footage e sua reconfiguração digital
: os filmes de Dominic Gagnon

  • Gabriel Cavalcante Luna (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The concept of found footage, which involves the re-use and re-signification of pre-existing audiovisual materials, has been given a new lease of life in recent decades due to the digital phenomenon. Digitalization and the spread of online platforms have democratized the production and sharing of images, changing the dynamics of appropriation and recontextualization. Based on an analysis of Dominic Gagnon's films, this dissertation proposes a reflection on digital images and the influence of technology on their creation and dissemination. We will explore how Gagnon uses this technique not only to create new narratives, but also to address contemporary issues such as disinformation, digital identity and the trivialization of the image. Finally, through an investigative study, the research focuses on how Gagnon reconfigures the found footage technique, emphasizing the cultural and political implications that emerge from these appropriations. Through a detailed analysis of his filmography, we seek to highlight the nuances and complexities of digital found footage.
Date of Award17 Dec 2024
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorDaniel Ribas (Supervisor)


  • Found footage
  • Found footage digital
  • Dominic Gagnon
  • Digital images
  • Appropriation
  • Experimental cinema
  • Art and technology


  • Mestrado em Cinema

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