Gerir os apoios especializados numa escola inclusiva
: que desafios? A problemática da multideficiência

  • Fernanda Maria da Cruz Brás Cardoso (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This work is the result of a Science of Education research in Special Education domain called “How to conduct specialized support in an inclusive school: What challenges?- The problem of multi deficiency” It refers the problem of educational and social inclusion and exclusion and debates the policies of inclusion which guide the attendance on the population here included, and also reflects about the main presupposition of an inclusive school. The investigation integrated theoretical and empiric methodological procedures considered relevant and appropriate. As methodological procedures we used, not only the study and thematic analysis in different authors but also the questionnaire directly applied to the net interviewees which constituted this sample. In this research, now structured into thematic chapters, theoretical knowledge and methodological and ethic procedures are systematized in a way which supports the professional practice. The results of the research clarify the weakness of the educational system and point out judgments to the present model of inclusive school, which fails his role of reducing social inequality. The research leads to future investigations which allow new knowledge included in the 21st century social context, considered today as the century of poverty and social inequality, which will consist in a big challenge for education. Particularly, as far as reflection is concerned, which way educational policies take part in reducing educational and social inequalities.
Date of Award2012
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAntónio Rafael Amaro (Supervisor) & Maria Carolina Marques (Supervisor)


  • Children/students
  • Special education
  • Deficiency
  • Inclusion
  • Politics


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Educação

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