How can portfolio attract people on airport retail environment?

  • Joana dos Santos Ramos Tição (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Being present on the airport retail environment forces companies to frame their strategies based on this industry particularities. Here there are very distinct characteristics from all the others retail environments such as, consumers’ schedules and culture. Portfolio is the largest retail space inside Lisbon’s international airport restrict zone. With more than 400 m2 this store offers consumers a selection of the best Portuguese products of all kind of industries. The store used to be alone just in front of the Lojas Francas de Portugal’s exit and it was one of the first stores that passengers saw after passing the airport’s security point. On July 2013, with the opening of a new commercial area, international competitors surrounded Portfolio. Besides new consumers passing by, the new commercial area was not giving Portfolio the expected revenues. It was time to define what was the next step to do. Two options were being taken into account, develop a communication strategy, complemented by store improvement or bet in impulse shopping in order to attract more passengers and increase the number of tickets.
Date of Award2015
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorPaulo Alexandre Gonçalves Marcos (Supervisor)


  • Airport retail
  • Lisbon International Airport
  • Communication strategy
  • Impulse shopping


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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