How fast memory decreases for tasks

  • Vasco Monteiro de Mancelos e Vasconcelos (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The main aim of this thesis was to find how fast memory decreases for tasks that people need to do. In order to do that an online survey was conducted where participants were asked to write five tasks they needed to do in the next seven days, then they were asked to wait for a while and finally rewrite those tasks. The results showed that there are two significant decreases in memory performance. First there is a significant decrease between a 10-minute delay period and one hour and the other is between a one hour and 24-hour delay period. The second aim of this thesis was to test some of the results found in previous works. Results show that there seems to exist a primacy effect, however no evidences of a recency effect was found, no evidence that gender affects memory prediction and performance plus, results were negative for an overestimate of participants’ prediction regarding their memory performance. Results contradict previous works since the methodology used in studies on the field of memory are usually done in a laboratory, they usually require participants to learn new things to later be remembered and finally, the tasks and things participants are requested to do are usually abstract or irrelevant for their lives. This study has none of those features thus the results are not as one would predict.
Date of Award15 Feb 2017
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorDaniel Fernandes (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Gestão e Administração de Empresas

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