Iluminação exterior de ambientes frios em animação 3D

  • Gustavo de Almeida Bernardo (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This thesis analyses a very important process in the production of any 3D animation project:lighting. This essay will be based on the set of tools Maya has for that effect and the way thatlight behaves in different sceneries. This investigation has accompanied the ComputerAnimation Master’s Degree Final Project, which started on September 2009 and finished onJuly the next year, giving rise to the short “Holidays o’Nice”.In the theoretical part of this work it must be emphasized the research on the physics ofcolour, its measuring and production, completely unknown to me and that took some time tobe understood.This work will also make a detailed description of the practical part of the project, showing indetail all the phases of pre-production, production and post-production through which theshort “Holidays o’Nice” has passed during the period of the chair in which it was integrated.This essay, in its whole, gives an idea of the importance of lighting to the final result to acomputer-generated image, trying to explain the steps the designer has to follow, from thesetting of light in strategic places to the final process of render that leads to image.In what concerns the practical work, I came to the conclusion that, among the three phases ofof a short production of this kind, pre-production takes a very important role to the result ofany 3D animation and that, if its plan is strictly followed the workload will be easier tofollow, helping the authors not to lose themselves in things that probably will not have greatsignificance to the movie.
Date of Award2011
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorSahra Kunz (Supervisor) & João Rema (Co-Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Som e Imagem

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