Immersiveness in classical concerts in historical sites
: the case of Pálácio Nacional de Queluz

  • Beatriz Ventura Telhada Gonçalves Varrecoso (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


In an increasingly visual world, live performing arts are continually exploring new technical and artistic dimensions to provide their audience with an immersive experience. There seems to be a growing tendency for historical sites to adopt an immersive approach to their cultural events, aided by their innate characteristics. Physical space by itself creates a particular ambience, and the layers of historical memory add meanings to the performative narratives through context and interpretations. This internship report aims to address some of the challenges and opportunities monument-hosts face when using the space in a multi-layered format, from the limited spatial changes allowed to the musical reenactments of the repertoire. The combination of historical memory preservation and reconstitution of the immaterial experiences of a given physical space fleshes out an innovative form of exploration of culturally relevant sites. In Parques de SintraMonte da Lua, S.A. (PSML), namely in Palácio Nacional de Queluz, there is a clear desire to incorporate into the visitor’s repertoire, the possibility of experiencing the space differently. The classical concerts in the historical site are an extension of the visit, through which governance can creatively contribute to the exploration of musical repertoire. Hence, we see a symbiotic relationship developing here between the monument-host and artists. The performative nature of the historical site benefits both the performers and the audience members. Immersiveness is interpreted in this report as the ultimate tool to bring together the continuum of historical memory and physical space in live performances. It is the experience of surrounding oneself with the performative space through the manipulation of the senses. The research strategy used is a qualitative analysis of literature focused on designing the performative space, of personal observation carried out during the internship, and of the different interviews with the cultural programmers, and director, as well as an examination of the data (quantitative and qualitative) collected throughout the internship at PSML.
Date of Award9 Feb 2024
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorDiana Gonçalves (Supervisor)


  • Classical concerts
  • Historical sites
  • Monument-host
  • Immersiveness
  • Palácio Nacional de Queluz
  • Space


  • Mestrado em Estudos de Cultura

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