Impact of previous entrepreneurial experience on start­up evaluation & success

  • Sirius Araya Alfons (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


In this paper, a sample of 819 companies was tested for four different hypotheses. This dataset was collected and provided by Early Metrics. Throughout the literature, it is evident that several determinants influence start­up success. How exactly entrepreneurial experience contributes to this is not entirely clear, as there is also different literature contradicting each other. The effects of entrepreneurial experience on success were tested using several multiple regressions. We can conclude that the dataset used does not provide enough evidence that entrepreneurial experience affects the Early Metrics positioning. As a result, hypothesis (H1)entrepreneurial experience has a small but positive effect on start­up evaluation, is rejected. However, it must be said that such an effect cannot be excluded in general. The second hypothesis "(H2) Industry experience has a positive effect on start­up success" was examined and no significance could be shown in our dataset. Hypothesis (H3) that there is no significant difference between experienced and non­experienced founders in terms of team size, was analyzed and it can be concluded that we accept hypothesis H3. Due to the existing limitations within our dataset, no reliable statement can be made about the effectof entrepreneurial experience on yearly revenue.Some indicators and findings of this paper give an impetus for further research in this field, which is currently not characterized by a clear consensus. Therefore, it is important that academia continues to add to this field and also makes the implications for theory and practice accessible.
Date of Award29 Jun 2022
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorRand Gerges-Yammine (Supervisor)


  • Entrepreneurship
  • Experience
  • Entrepreneurial experience
  • Early metrics
  • Industry experience
  • Success
  • Evaluation


  • Mestrado em Gestão e Administração de Empresas

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