Impacto distributivo das medidas de austeridade
: uma revisão de literatura

  • Mariana Macedo Pereira da Silva (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This paper attempts to analyze the existing relevant literature which explains the relationship between the adoption of austerity measures and changes in equality/inequality of income distribution. Thus, through a literature review I’ve considered studies of several authors in order to be able to remove the most reliable conclusions. My main goal was to perceive and interpret literature that relates the economic and financial crises and austerity measures with the equitable income distribution. The methodology used in this paper is the interpretation of existing theory in the scientific literature and attempt to systematize the more relevant conclusions which were already drawn by the authors on the subject under analysis. The quality of a literature review depends on its accuracy and consistency, clarity and brevity and on an efficient synthesized analysis. I have sought to understand if, according to the main authors, there is a trend in the variation of inequality of income distribution when austerity measures are adopted. Throughout the review, I had to take into account aspects such as, what are the most commonly used measures, sources of information, as well as highlight the differences between countries, cultures, time frame and involving context. Throughout the review it became clear that the most utilized coefficient to measure inequality of income distribution is the Gini coefficient. Thus, the main conclusions drawn in this analysis should be highlighted: Firstly, it is important to note that several of the studied authors draw incoherent conclusions, because they are conditioned by different conjunctures and by the reality of each country, as well as by the coefficients used when conducting such analysis. According to some authors, it was also possible to conclude that the impact on inequality of income distribution of a large scale economic crisis is not predictable and its impacts may vary depending on the dimension, culture, tax and economic structure of the different countries under analysis. The measures most frequently mentioned by the authors concern increases in income taxes; increases in social security contributions; reduction of social benefits and public spending. These measures have a clear impact on the welfare of the individuals; however this impact may be controlled through the adoption of measures thought for that purpose. Some authors refer globalization and technological advancement as the major cause for inequality between individuals. Finally, the authors also stressed that inequality in income distribution caused by the adoption of austerity measures may also be evaluated based on differences in access by different members of the population to basic issues of well-being: health and education.
Date of Award18 Dec 2013
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorFrancisca Guedes de Oliveira (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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