Implementação do software Flow M – manufacturing execution system - para a desmaterialização do sistema de gestão da segurança e qualidade alimentar de acordo com os requisitos da norma IFS Food 6.1

  • Marta Maria Lopes Cardoso Teles de Meneses (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Industry is in constant evolution, and it has already been through three industrial revolutions. All of them resulted in the productive processes improvement with an increasement in productivity and efficiency. Nowadays, industry is in transition to a fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, which consists in a complex but adjustable system that explores the potential of information and communication technologies. It is expected that systems that are used today, like the Manufacturing Execution System, can provide the necessary support for this complex hardware and software integration. The food industry is very competitive, and it faces specific challenges besides the challenges common to other industry sectors and the adoption of MES and of the concept of Industry 4.0 appears to be a promising solution to overcome them. Flow M is a MES industrial management software for the food industry developed by Foodintech, which can respond to these challenges. This software provides multiple benefits to companies that implement it, namely supporting quality systems such as IFS Food 6.1. The aim of this work was the implementation of Flow M and, consequently, the dematerialization of the standard. Thus, all the documentation and procedures required by it are now managed in a single location. This work was developed at Nortesea, a fish and seafood processing company that has been certified by IFS Food 6.1 since 2019. The application was implemented following the production flow (Receptions > Productive processes > Packaging > Order preparations) and at the same time the quality processes were implemented (records, document management and incidents modules). In this way, a correspondence was built between the requirements of the standard and the application modules that dematerialized it. In the end, Nortesea had Flow M fully implemented and the requirements of IFS Food 6.1 dematerialized in it.
Date of Award14 Mar 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorPaula Teixeira (Supervisor)


  • Food Industry
  • MES
  • IFS food 6.1
  • Industry 4.0


  • Mestrado em Biotecnologia e Inovação

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